Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Team Service Project

Our team decided to spend a Saturday morning together serving the homeless in town by providing breakfast.  We worked with the Burrito Bikers to make it happen.  Together, we were able to provide fresh fruit, doughnuts, hot coffee, and bottled water to about 60 people.  We all had a great time!

(L to R) Susan, Maggie, Anastasia, Gabrielle, and Kathryn

For more information about the Burrito Bikers or if you would like to sign up to serve breakfast to the homeless, visit their website:  http://gsoburritobikers.wikispaces.com/

Friday, June 6, 2014

2014 East Asia Team

(L to R) Kathryn C., Gabrielle P., Anastasia P., Margaret D., and Susan H.

The team will be involved in a one-week English camp and Vacation Bible School for preschool and elementary-aged children. They will also have the chance to serve families in the local house churches as well as outreach to local families who do not yet know Christ. There will be opportunities to meet with families, teachers and young professionals to do training and coaching in the trip participants’ fields of expertise (teaching, business, sports, etc). And there is a potential opportunity to help out at a shelter run for children whose moms are red light workers.